1970 Models - BODYS

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The Ford Taunus TC1 presents 4 different body, i will describe the specificities here.

Saloon 4 doors Saloon 2 doors Station.W Coupé
Parts of the body
TC1 Saloon 4 doors

This is the classic saloon car. In my view, it was the more sold.
No particular description for this one, I would use it like 'basic' model to compare with the others.

TC1 Saloon 2 doors

This is the 1st variation witch is very interesting. Only the sides parts differs from the basic model: the doors are longer than those of the classic 4 doors version, which facilitates the access to the rear places. (the top of the front seats rotate towards the instrument panel).
The rear seats have a trapezoid window.
This model seems rather rare to me, and (in my opinion), for the origin, was not intended for the French market.

TC1 Station Wagon 5 doors

Impossible to circumvent! FORD was always presented as a leader of the practical cars with good capacities of loading. The news TAUNUS Station Wagon was not to be missing in this fact. It was successful.
The rear side is specific to this model (roof, longer body, back door, lateral glasses), but moreover the rear doors are not the same ones as those of the saloon 4 doors, which go down in a curved way. Here, they present a marked angle.
The back seat rotates in order to present a completely flat floor. (also permitted by the rigid rear axle, element criticized on the other models)
Lastly, rear axle speed ratio is also shorter. This is made for helping the low powerfull 1300 engine. The maximal speed is reduced, but it starts more quickly!

TC1 Coupé

This 'sport' looking version presents even more differences than the other models compared to the saloon 4 doors. It is the consequence of its specific roof which is inclined soft until the back ('fastback' type), and flattened.
Except the shape of the back fenders, are also specific:
The rear luggage door, all glazings and doors (different from the saloon 2 doors). Indeed, if the length of the doors is the same, the height is here lower, because of the roof, that decreases this height backwards.

TC1 Parts of the body

Back Station.W / Back Saloon 4doors / Coupé / Saloon 2 doors / Front Saloon & Station Wagon

Rear fender - Station Wagon

Rear fender - Saloon 2 Doors

Rear fender - Saloon 4 Doors

Rear fender - Coupé

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