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1971-1988 1989-1992 1992-2009

As you can imagine, this car is a part of my (child)life. My grandparents took me in holidays in it, and i was playing with my 'toys cars' on the rear seats...

Just before accessing to the driving licence, my grand father proposed to me to drive the Coupé. Years and years ago, i learned to run bicycle with him...
With pride and fear, i drove for the very first time THIS car, on this little path in the fields. Yes, i have stopped the engine twice, but i also drive with gear #2. I was impressed by this large wheel which transmits all that occurs under the tires.

In 1988, this car was 17 years old when i passed and obtained my driving licence. My grand father had run only 51 000 km.
He was mechanician so he had maintained it perfectly. the car had quite never meet the rain. But it was too heavy and too imposing to drive for him, and he wanted to resell it.
What a opportunity for me ! He bought a small FORD Fiesta. (hum? an electronic ignition!)


This TC1 Coupé was my first car then my car of student...
In 1992, it reaches 90 000 kms, and my grand'pa wants me to sold it, and buy a "normal" car. That did not interest me at all and i prefer to keep the Taunus.
A friend of my father wants to sold a Ford Sierra station wagon 1600GL (from 1985), in a very good condition. This car waz mine the day after !
This Sierra was my "all day" vehicle, to keep the Taunus in good condition, The Taunus is my pleasure and fun car .
Over 30 years of good and faithful services, I fell only one time broken down. (I had not checked the gasoline level, the fluid it consumes the more!)


Halas, because of no time, the Taunus is stored in its box for long times...
In 2000, the Sierra stops its carreer in an accident, with more than 206000 kms. So, the Taunus is runnig again, very helpfull. Then, one year latter, my familly is growing, so i bought a brand new "modern" car (station wagon).
The Taunus is stored back in its box, for too longs periods, i don't like this...

In 2002, it has about 95000 kms, and has never been restaured. After my grand father's death, the house is solded, and i have to give back the car box. But the car as not moved since months and breaks system is dead, blocked on each wheel. Repairing the back wheels break system is easy, and parts can be founded everywhere, but, on the other hand, it was much dificult for me to rebuild the front break system.

I decide to drive the Taunus the more i could, because i don't want to let it down, because a stopped car is a dying car.
Then, since 2003, when the weather is cool, i drive the Taunus out of its new car box: a shed.

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