Halas, because of no time, the Taunus is stored in its box for long times...
In 2000, the Sierra stops its carreer in an accident, with more than 206000 kms.
So, the Taunus is runnig again, very helpfull. Then, one year latter, my familly is growing,
so i bought a brand new "modern" car (station wagon).
The Taunus is stored back in its box, for too longs periods, i don't like this...
In 2002, it has about 95000 kms, and has never been restaured.
After my grand father's death, the house is solded, and i have to give back the car box.
But the car as not moved since months and breaks system is dead, blocked on each wheel.
Repairing the back wheels break system is easy, and parts can be founded everywhere,
but, on the other hand, it was much dificult for me to rebuild the front break system.
I decide to drive the Taunus the more i could, because i don't want to let it down,
because a stopped car is a dying car.
Then, since 2003, when the weather is cool, i drive the Taunus out of its new car box: a shed.